5 Easy to grow garden variety edible plants

July 4th, 2013

…and more!

Plant them and they will grow.

Hardy, heat tolerant, delicious and absolutely beautiful! Select easy to grow garden variety edible plants that will produce all summer long and often into the fall.

Purple Kale, Green Kale, Red Swiss Chard, Green Swiss Chard, Dandelion, Celery, Onions, Spinach and more…Spinach can be replanted after the first crop has finished and gone to seed.

While we are picking and eating these delicious purple and greens along with two varieties of lettuce, beet tops and more, our peas are producing and the tomatoes, peppers and eggplant are silently growing.

Everything else is available at the farmers market, local markets and grocery stores that are supporting local now with seasonal yummy fruits and vegetables…

Easy care growing for busy moms on the go!

Always thinking fresh, local and healthy
