Food -LABELS- for thought

March 6th, 2014

Food labels are not always what they seem, this is why we choose to eat fresh seasonal foods, eat locally grown foods and choose to eat healthy foods that are non-GMO and organic.

freshalicious® is all about turning the clock back and helping you make healthy  choices based on eating whole foods first and bring the art of cooking simple dishes for you and your family into your daily life.

They say food labels are getting revamped! However are they doing enough to let the consumer know what they are eating and feeding their kids? My personal pet peeve is Brain Frying Fake Food Dyes found in candies!

This is a great share and hard to stomach, click on the image to see what I am talking about.

Spring is around the corner, local farmers are getting ready and you should be too. Get freshalicious!

Eat fresh, local, whole, organic and of course-healthy!
