Wild about my weeds!

May 15th, 2015

Wild Dandelions

As much as we dislike weeds, particularly the dandelion, the pretty yellow flowering plant is not only delicious eaten with my favourite oil and sea salt but has many health benefits too. We eat them until they begin flowering, once the flowers appear, the season for wild dandelion is over.

Picked fresh from local strawberry fields…

Not to worry if you want to eat this weed, dandelion is available at farmers markets, markets and grocery stores that carry fresh greens for most of the season. Farm grown, not wild. And the best advice I can give you is to look for Organically grown.

Have a look at the health benefits that this weed is loaded with.

1. Bones- Great for your bones, very rich in calcium.
2. Antioxidant- Rich in Vitamin C, Luteolin that protects bones from aging that is due to free radicals-bone density loss, weakness and frailty.
3.Liver- Acts as a stimulus to promote proper digestions and liver function, also help reduce chances of constipation. Dandelions also aid  in eleiminationg toxins from the kidneys and urinary tract.
4.Diabetes- Dandelion juice helps remove excess sugar from the body lowering blood sugar. It also helps diabetics in particular by stimulating insulin production.
5. Skin- The sap or milky substance that comes form the dandelion has anti fungal properties to help treat diseases like eczema, ringworm, acne  or itches in general with no side effects.

These are only a few of the natural health benefit by adding a locally grown weed to your daily diet.

They are so easy to prepare. Wash, boil until tender, season with oil and sea salt.

Eat the weed,
