A good reason to grow your own at home this year

February 8th, 2016

Growing your own vegetables is super easy. Potted herbs are the easiest way to start growing your own without too much worry. Rosemary, parsley, sage and thyme thrive without much care. A little water and sunshine will do the trick! You can easily plant Kale, one of our most loved super foods that will keep producing all season long.

A good garden comes with a little planning and some imagination. Seeds naturally want to grow into beautiful food producing plants, a little care will go a long way.

Please feel free to look back at some of my garden projects for ideas. Most often the garden gives us more than we can eat and the opportunity to share with family and friends.

Great starter plants that grow easily are dandelion, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and zucchini. You can plant the plants that are greenhouse grown or try tossing in a few seeds….you will be surprised how fast they grow!

Growing from Seed
Try sourcing local Organic, non-GMO, and Heritage Seed Varieties.

I look for local… like Hawthorn Farm Organic Seed, they know our growing conditions better than we do so would offer tried and true varieties.

Growing from plant
At our local garden center and local grocery stores who offer a variety of plants to get you started including some Heritage Varieties.  Glen Echo Nurseries and Garden Foods are a great place to start for your growing season!

Produce costs are on the rise, growing your own is one good way to reduce the cost and get the most nutritious, tasty vegetables to your table.

From dirt to delicious! Grow your own…


eat fresh, local and healthy