Dr. Joey Shulman picks freshalicious!

March 22nd, 2011

I am excited to share some amazing news! Dr. Joey Shulman, a nutritionist and well renowned author has  picked freshalicious as “BOOK OF THE MONTH”. Dr. Joey has spent many years researching healthy nutritional eating and focuses on having fun with food offering amazing advice to help children make healthier choices.

Thank you Dr. Joey Shulman.

Dr. Joey’s  Newsletter

“March is nutrition month! Finally, it is time to shed the cobwebs of old man winter and welcome in some springtime fever. This month, let me help you do a little internal cleansing to get into tip-top shape and shed a few pounds that may have accumulated over the winter months!

In this newsletter, you will find the very best products, books and articles to help you on your journey. Enjoy!”

Wishing you best health,

Dr. Joey Shulman DC, RNCP


“When Stacey Fokas was told her daughter was anaphylactic to dairy, instead of despairing at all foods that could not enter her house, she launched into a culinary adventure to create Freshalicious, a cookbook like no other. Latching on to the current popularity of eating local, Fokas shares page after beautiful page of recipes sourced from farmers around her Caledon home. The recipes are seasonal and always feature what’s at its freshest and most nutritious. For instance, there’s Maple balsamic Ontario lamb chops, Swiss chard with mushrooms and caramelized pecans, and Asparagus wraps for spring. Fokas goes to the heart of eating healthy, local and fresh by investigating the origins of her food and getting to know the people who produced her delicious ingredients. She shares what she’s learned about the benefits of sustainable eating and turns her inspiration into family-friendly, practical but super fun dishes that everyone can make. Dairy-free has gone to a whole new level – and it looks tasty!”