It has taken about three years to establish these vines, and that is ok

July 17th, 2021


June 28th, 2021

Roadside buy, Badlands Bees

August 12th, 2020

Hey all!

It has been way too long since I reached out to you, busy, busy life. Writing recipes, growing a garden, hanging with the kids, enjoying life. It passes by in a heartbeat. Hope your all staying safe and well, keep up those good healthy habits for a long winter to come.

In your community you probably have a local honey producer. Buying roadside helps local bees keep thriving and the reality is their honey rarely makes it into the big grocery stores. Thank you local farmers for your hard work and leaving the honey by the roadside for us to enjoy!

A seriously unique flavor comes from this honey.

It’s time to stock up for a long winter, Covid may continue it’s march through our communities and what a better way to boost your immune system by eating local honey.

Enjoy yours, Stacey